Rumble for PS3 controllers? It's like a story about a stripper's knickers: on again / off again / on again / off again. Today's news is that Rumble is not going to be announced soon.
In the usual coded Corporo-speak that we've all learnt to navigate, Dave Karraker, Sony's director of corporate communications has told
GamePro, "We have not added rumble [to PS3], and have no announcements regarding this feature."
We we're all aware that Rumble hadn't been added. We're now aware that there are no announcements regarding it that are going to be made. This of course is akin to saying, "We have no announcements regarding the name of the day after Saturday, it doesn't mean that it's not going to be called 'Sunday', it just means that there are no announcements about it - coming up".
So, not at the Leipzig game convention this month. Looks as if we'll all have to wait for the Tokyo Game Show in September.
Karraker did, however, confirm the fact that new PS3 controllers had been sent out to developers - as
reported last week. "From time to time, we make minor enhancements to the controllers for our platforms. We recently sent out to the development community some new prototypes that have a slightly enhanced sensitivity for the analog sticks and the motion sensing within the Sixaxis controller. This is not a new controller, but is part of the normal development and evolution of controllers."
So, not new - simply more sensitive.