Marketing Week reports that Sony Computer Entertainment, " on the hunt for partners to help further develop its PS3 Home concept and is considering using the virtual world to sell non-Sony products."
Apparently, the company preparing to call on third-parties to provide physical goods that can be sold using Home's e-tail capabilities, which at the moment are geared towards providing items such as virtual clothing to be used by online avatars.
The report concludes by explaining how a Sony representative indicated that, "longer term plans could include selling physical goods from third parties, such as clothing and fashion retailers through tie-ups or affiliate partnerships."
Whether Sony sees Home e-tail of third-party, non-gaming product as a viable profit-stream in the medium or long-term is not clear at this time. However, early shots and trailers for Home do bear a striking resemblance to the Second Life model that is apparently reaping big rewards for Linden Labs.
We were unable to contact any representatives at SCEE for comment on this story today - but we hope to bring you more of the official line for the future of Home as soon as possible.
Source: Marketing Week