Lawyer Uses Mortal Kombat As Defence In Murder Trial

Golf not blamed in another attack

Posted by Staff
It seems as if Klamath Falls in Oregon is not the place to be if you want to avoid injury if two separate incidents in the same small town are anything to go by.

The first is the start of a murder trial in which an attorney is using both Grand Theft Auto and Mortal Kombat to represent his client with a ‘diminished responsibility’ defence.

Patrick Morris (20) is accused of shooting Diego Aguilar (15) five times with a shotgun. Apparently Aguilar had sold Morris a duff diamond in return for some magic mushrooms… although other reports claim it was a fight over a ring.

Morris is charged with the murder of fifteen-year-old Diego Aguilar, who died after being shot five times with a twelve-gauge shotgun. Morris’ lawyers claimed that violent video games, “may have blurred Morris' ability to distinguish reality and the consequences of his actions”.

According the, “Morris is charged with murdering Diego Aguilar of Lancaster, California last March at the Rivers Inn motel. Investigators said the killing occurred after a teenager, Tucker Cobb, got into a fight with a man staying at the motel about a ring. Police said Cobb also wanted to fight Aguilar, a friend of the man.

“Cobb then reportedly enlisted help from several others, including Morris. Three other Klamath Falls men at the scene of the killing have had their cases resolved.

“JD Cobb and Trevor Parker pleaded guilty to hindering prosecution of the murder, and Steven Vannarath pleaded guilty to criminally negligent homicide for lending the shotgun that police say Morris used in the killing.”

Yet somehow, it’s violent videogames rather than drugs or mixin’ with the kind of dudes who lend you shotguns that are to blame.

On a second violent event - in the same town, a truck window was smashed by a golf ball hit by a teen who was visiting a pal.

No one is, apparently, blaming the US PGA…


king skins 28 Feb 2007 12:49
Morris’ lawyers claimed that violent video games, “may have blurred Morris' ability to distinguish reality and the consequences of his actions”.

Isn't it pretty obviouse from playing any computer game that the consequence of shoot someone with a shoot gun 5 times is that they end up dead?

I think the magic mushrooms may have had more of an influence on his
ability to distinguish reality and the consequences of his actions
hollywooda 28 Feb 2007 13:08
Did he kill him by firing a large harpon out & drag the guy towards himself, then using a powerful uppercut take the blokes head off???....(Fatality)... no, so why blame Mortal Combat???.....
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Joji 28 Feb 2007 13:38
You know sometimes I think lawyers will go to hell for bogus crap like this. A 15 year old kid is dead and games take a hit, because he doesn't want to take responsibility. Really sad stuff.

This lawyer has probably coached this guilty guy. Suddenly every killers gonna 'play the game blame game' to get off. The lawyer knows that it'll be hard to prove, so the guy will still go to jail, leaving lawyer with good payday and media attention.

'Wasn't my fault, guvnor, it was my PS2, honest!' Pathetic.
Alicia Lee 6 Nov 2010 07:29
Diego was a good young man. I am his older cousin, and this hit our family like a ton of bricks. Especially with the lame excuse of video games. Now we have to live our lives knowing how brutal his death was.
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