Every Extend Extra - Latest from Mizuguchi

A genuinely good and original game on PSP

Posted by Staff
SPOnG’s been playing quite a lot of the soon to be released Every Extend Extra over the past week, following our interview with Q Entertainment's exec producer of the title, Tetsuya Mizuguchi last week.

As was expected, it’s rather good. Maybe not quite Lumines II but a close second. Which effectively means it's one of the few genuinely original and decent PSP titles on the market right now. Read on for the latest on Mizuguchi’s bizarre and strangely beautiful shoot-em-up.

To start with, describing the game as a 'shoot-em-up' is slightly incorrect, in terms of trying to place the game as a genre, as the game requires you to blow yourself up in order to destroy enemies on screen in glorious technicolour chain reactions. But then, as you will see from our interview with the Q Entertainment man, he is not so concerned with sticking to traditional genres!

For a taster of the game check the new demo on the official website. By hovering your mouse over the different elements on screen you can pick up bite-sized insights into the thinking behind the game, including quotes from Mizuguchi. The 9 phases are always in motion, which means that you never start at the same place twice so check out EEEthegame.com asap!

Every Extend Extra is out in a fortnight - stay tuned for our review.

Also, SPOnG has just been given a signed very-limited edition artwork on canvas from none other than Tetsuya Mizuguchi - and we're going to be giving it away.


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