Reports are emerging today of serious ‘fatal error’ faults with Microsoft’s new 360
dashboard update which is causing some 360 consoles to die completely.
The Dutch guys over at Fok! Games reported earlier that:
When you do the following with your new Xbox 360 you will be getting a fatal and permanent “System Error”. That means you should not do this!
• Boot the console.
• Select the language.
• Select “I am a member of Xbox Live”
• Mandatory dashboard update will download and install.
• The system will reboot and show the 360 logo.
• You’ll get “System Error E71″.
When you get this error the 360 is dead and cannot be revived anymore: you will need to take it back to your store for replacement or contact Xbox Customer Support.
Numerous similar complaints have already begun cropping up on forums across the Internet.
SPOnG put a call into Microsoft in the UK earlier this morning for clarification on the matter, plus for information on what gamers were to do should they experience these alarming problems.
Having a 360 that does little more than act as a doorstop or, for the culinary-minded, a nice kitchen chopping board/talking point, would certainly anger SPOnG.
We’ll bring you Microsoft’s account of the problem and what it is doing to resolve it as soon as possible.
In the meantime, if anybody out there has experienced problems with the new dashboard update – fatal or otherwise – please let us know in the