Latest Xbox Live Update Killing 360s. Dead.

Fatal Error! Your 360 is now a door-stop...

Posted by Staff
Latest Xbox Live Update Killing 360s. Dead.
Reports are emerging today of serious ‘fatal error’ faults with Microsoft’s new 360 dashboard update which is causing some 360 consoles to die completely.

The Dutch guys over at Fok! Games reported earlier that:

When you do the following with your new Xbox 360 you will be getting a fatal and permanent “System Error”. That means you should not do this!

• Boot the console.
• Select the language.
• Select “I am a member of Xbox Live”
• Mandatory dashboard update will download and install.
• The system will reboot and show the 360 logo.
• You’ll get “System Error E71″.

When you get this error the 360 is dead and cannot be revived anymore: you will need to take it back to your store for replacement or contact Xbox Customer Support.

Numerous similar complaints have already begun cropping up on forums across the Internet.

SPOnG put a call into Microsoft in the UK earlier this morning for clarification on the matter, plus for information on what gamers were to do should they experience these alarming problems.

Having a 360 that does little more than act as a doorstop or, for the culinary-minded, a nice kitchen chopping board/talking point, would certainly anger SPOnG.

We’ll bring you Microsoft’s account of the problem and what it is doing to resolve it as soon as possible.

In the meantime, if anybody out there has experienced problems with the new dashboard update – fatal or otherwise – please let us know in the forums.


Joji 2 Nov 2006 12:37
Well its a damn good thing I've been to busy to update mine yet. I think I'll pass on it for a while thanks.

Sometimes I think MS don't know what they are doing. I wonder if this has anything to do with their trying to lock out modders with this new update? Would be interesting if such a move has backfired on them, catching innocent folk in the net.

I can see it already, their phonelines will be hotter that the busy Batphone in a gotham city summertime crimewave.

This is the problem with these updates. I'd be mightily pissed if mine went done cause of them. Sort it out MS.

An idea MS, talk to modders instead of shunning them. Dialogue can do a lot sometimes.
sohereweare 2 Nov 2006 12:44
If ur 360 does die, dont take it back to store. ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS phone microsoft first, where i work we will turn you away - as part of our supplier agreement is that if microsoft can repair or replace they wont credit us if we send the 360 back via our supplier.

Plus, it pisses me off and wastes huge amounts of time being shouted at by dumbassses who dont read the terms and conditions!

it makes me wonder - if you dont want a faulty console why buy an xbox in the first place? hahaha
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SCiARA 2 Nov 2006 13:01
you act as if its a major problem effecting millions of people, i'd be surprised if its more than 30k consoles and out of 6 million thats nothing to worry about.

Also, if it stops pirate's then i'm all for it.
majin dboy 2 Nov 2006 14:01
wont be updating mine then,tahnks for the heads up spong.

yo joji,do u know if i can use an ethernet bridge instead of buying the ridiculosly over priced wirless attachment?

dude on the forum said i can but just wana make sure b4 i get one.
phoo 2 Nov 2006 16:11
Good work Spong, you managed to make it out to be a huge issue. Infact it appears the only people affected are those who have got refurbished 360's and who update to the latest dashboard straight away, before setting it up.

Also, a revised update has already been released, perhaps spong could live up to their cheesy line of 'We’ll bring you Microsoft’s account of the problem and what it is doing to resolve it as soon as possible.'

Just check guys. Go straight to the source.
king skins 2 Nov 2006 16:17
MS have now fixed the update process so your 360 won't get fried if you update it.

Apparently you can use a wireless bridge... but I've never tried it.
tg0006 2 Nov 2006 16:27
well, microsoft is getting no breaks, are they? when ever one 360 problem is solved, another one appears. Thats why im waiting for the 360 to be $50 before i get it, so i wont have to pay alot for something that breaks.
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