Microsoft to Release 100GB Hard Drive for 360

Full details from X06: Korea

Posted by Staff
Microsoft to Release 100GB Hard Drive for 360
Details emerged last night from Microsoft’s X06 Korea that the company is planning to release a whopping 100GB hard drive for the Xbox 360 next March. This ups the ante somewhat in the home console memory storage stakes. Microsoft also announced a new 256MB memory unit will be released.

The unit shown in Korea yesterday plugs directly into the 360. No confirmation as yet as to if and when the hard drive will hit US and Europe. Does this mean that Sony loses the edge of having a 60GB HD-equipped PS3 offering?

Whatever your take on it, this can only come as good news for 360 gamers as, if you are anything like SPOnG, you will have filled up your current 20GB 360 hard drive full of videos, free games demos, XBL Arcade games and other bits and bobs.

No confirmation as yet as to whether Microsoft plans to bundle the 100GB hard drive with premium 360s or whether it will initially ship as (yet) another add-on. As ever, we will bring you further news on that as soon as we get it.

The news follows other recent news of Microsoft’s 360 peripherals frenzy, with the recently released Live Vision camera, wireless racing wheel, a wireless headset, and the HD DVD add-on drive arriving next month to counter Sony’s attempts to capture the home cinema market with Blu-ray.


realvictory 20 Oct 2006 11:35
Big deal, who cares about having a hard drive twice as big as you would ever need? - And you pay extra for it. Why would I care about having 100GB of demos and videos, when, with the money I spent on the hard drive, I could have just bought full games!

It's just a puny childish competition to have the biggest numbers. Who gives a crap, to be honest!

P.S. I have a PC, and for the same price as 100GB XB360 proprietary one, you can probably get 250-300GB one, which also stores music, videos, etc - demos are redundant, because you can just buy the full game - and if you didn't like the demo enough to buy the full game, you can delete the demo anyway.
PreciousRoi 20 Oct 2006 11:51
if its no big deal, why bother to even bitch about it? if its included with the Premium pack its no additional expense, if its an option, it an option...options are good...kinda seems like its an obvious development for the 360, I'd be dissapointed if they only had a single size of removable hdd. Content is only going to get larger, this is a forward thinking move, don't see a downside here...
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looniac 20 Oct 2006 12:12
Dosn't really work as a counter to the PS3's 60 GB drive as if I recall correctly that can be replaced with any standard 2.5" SATA drive so the Sony fanboys can always top it, and probably for a bit less money if they're smart.
Joji 20 Oct 2006 13:30
I see nothing wrong with this, you're always gonna need more space. Besides i don't want what happened to a friend of mine, to happen to me, which is that because the original Xbox had no removable hard drive, when my mates Xbox died on its legs one day, all his settings etc were trapped on it. Tried fixing it but to no avail. Absolute nightmare scenario.

This is the problem with internal hard drives and I'm glad MS have learned from this with 360. I do think a 360 hard drive caddy would be nice so you can move files from one hard drive to another.

DoctorDee 20 Oct 2006 14:04
realvictory wrote:
Big deal, who cares about having a hard drive twice as big as you would ever need?

I'm sure YOU'LL never need more than 640k or RAM.

But other people will have music, pictures, movies and other stuff on our 360 drives, I'm guessing. PLus digital download games are only just getting into their stride...

I'd never be happy with 20GB of storage... but if you don't want it, you don't have to buy it.

tyrion 20 Oct 2006 14:22
PreciousRoi wrote:
if its an option, it an option...options are good...kinda seems like its an obvious development for the 360

Have Microsoft said anything about the upgrade process for a new hard drive? How would I transfer my game saves, profiles and premium content to the new one?
realvictory 20 Oct 2006 15:43
Movies and games come on discs (inherently portable), music is small, game settings are small, profiles are small...

The most useful aspect of a hard drive in my opinion, is basically as cheap memory, for virtual memory.

I wasn't complaining, but I don't think it's as good as it sounds.
DoctorDee 20 Oct 2006 18:52
realvictory wrote:
Movies and games come on discs

Not from BitTorrent they don't.

music is small

Pah. Try telling that to my 48,000 track, 280GB iTunes library.

The most useful aspect of a hard drive in my opinion, is basically as cheap memory, for virtual memory.

But no-one needs 100Gb of Virtual Memory for a machine wirt 512Mb of REAL memory.

PreciousRoi 21 Oct 2006 07:33
Well, mebbe thats what the 256M Memory Unit is fer...if not, then theres bound to be a way...and if not someone will make one no doubt
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