Sony on Wii Pricepoint

Claims PlayStation 2 sales will unsettle Wii.

Posted by Staff
Sony on Wii Pricepoint
It looks as though Sony will use a cut price slimline PlayStation 2 to lure away potential Wii buyers, as US lead Kaz Hirai fires a shot across Nintendo's budget-focused bows.

Speaking specifically of the Wii and the power/functionality trade-off it offers in an interview with CNET, Hirai said, "Some consumers will compare features or software offerings and decide that they may want to go with a different console. You also have to realize that we have a very strong, market-leading console called the PlayStation 2, which is at a very affordable price right now."

Of course, this is likely to be a case of pissing in the wind for investor's sake, mixed with a smattering of reality. Sony will shift a decent number of PlayStation 2 units this Christmas. They'll be about 60GBP in the US for instance - comedically cheap for a cracking little console on which you can play Gran Turismo all day long.

Hirai continued, "Consumers will also understand that if you buy a PlayStation 2 right now, and you make some software investments, when you feel it's right to move onto PlayStation 3, those software titles aren't going to go by the wayside. Consumers will take that into consideration. I don't think price is the only determining factor when consumers make a choice in looking at their console purchase decisions."

We would agree with Hirai 100% that the price is not the only consideration. The inclusion of an entirely new style of controller is also a huge lure, though his point that the slimline PlayStation 2 will be an absolute steal is totally valid.


SuperSaiyan4 30 Aug 2006 11:42
Ok well in that case why dont we all go back to our Sega Mega Drives and SNES?

'The inclusion of an entirely new style of controller is also a huge lure'

New eh? Err no do some research please, Microsoft already did the gyro thing and its a PS1 pad which is wireless using gyro tech.

PS2.5 pad.

Who writes this stuff???!

SPInGSPOnG 30 Aug 2006 12:10
SuperSaiyan4 wrote:
'The inclusion of an entirely new style of controller is also a huge lure'

Who writes this stuff???!

I think you need to go back and re-read it.

Spong is not suggesting that PS2/3/whatever has an all new controler. They are saying that the 'new controller' with Wii will be a lure as powerful as Sony's low price...

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Joji 30 Aug 2006 12:56
The public already know and are waiting for Wii and PS3. Xmas might push sales up a bit, but I wouldn't count on everyone buying a PS2 after five years. Good luck Sony.

A 360 is also snapping at its heels, I know which I'd buy out of 360 and PS2.

I'm sure Nintendo's advertising for Wii will be strong enough to drive home the difference it has to PS3 and 360.
fluffstardx 30 Aug 2006 13:58
MS didn't put a speaker in theirs, though, and it's only the nunchuck with a gyro.

Because, of course, we're discussing the WII controller...

Aaaaanyway, like there's competition between PS2 and Wii! That's like Sony's talk about PS1 being successful at a high price even though it was competing with the budget SNES! Those Sony boys, eh? They'll try ANYTHING.
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