Miyamoto and Spielberg play Wii Sports

Meanwhile, Moore gets interviewed by Space Ghost.

Posted by Staff
Miyamoto and Spielberg play Wii Sports
SPOnG caught a quick glance of Steven Spielberg last week, as we were chatting to our PR friends over on Vivendi’s booth – one of those strange and memorable moments of international hyper-celeb spotting.

In the space of a millisecond, the surrounding ambient noise of chatter immediately died to a near silence, with the assembled jaws of the PR/journo/marketing mass dropping as they simultaneously spotted the King of Hollywood stride on by (with the requisite bodyguard crew in tow, fending off the encroaching geek army).

It seems that Mr Spielberg was on his way over to see Mr Miyamoto in the West Hall for a quick spot of Wii Tennis. And why not? SPOnG is not yet sure if this was just an opportunistic PR shot for Nintendo, or if it perhaps suggests that this could be the beginning of a longer term relationship between the two creative giants of the entertainment world. SPOnG certainly hopes it's the latter.

In the meantime, in other ‘E3 news you might have missed’, check out this hilarious Space Ghost interview with Microsoft’s Peter ‘Game for a Laugh’ Moore. SPOnG caught up with the ever-effervescent Moore at E3, so watch this space for our exclusive interview coming very soon.

Last but by no means least in the E3 celeb-spotting stakes, if you have still to see it, check out Robin Williams' mirthful demo’ing of Will Wright’s Spore

It seems Sony was the only major games company not hanging with internationally famous movie and animation stars last week. Poor ol' Sony.


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