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1. Assassin's Creed Producer: Jade Raymond
It's the Third Crusade...
2. Geoff Thomas: Scarface On Nintendo Wii
The world is his!
3. GameStars - Q/A with Pro Gamer, Sujoy Roy
Playing games for a full-time job? Easy money!
4. UK Developer Mick Stockton
PDC Darts, Newcastle and Viking Funerals
5. Halo 2: Colin Riley Technical Artist
To PC or not to PC...
6. ADR Director, Charles Campbell
From movies to games and back again
7. Bethesda's Pete Hines
The Fallout of Broken Steel
8. SEGA Driving Studio Director: Guy Wilday
We felt we needed to add something to the series...
9. Halo 3 Hands On And Q&A
Phil Spencer asks: Who doesn't want to Master Chief?
10. Teenage Zombies, Developer Darren McGrath
B-Movies and Pubescent Angst Collide