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1. GameStarz: N-Dubz
You'd better not waste their time!
2. Bethesda's Pete Hines
The Fallout of Broken Steel
3. Trion Cube Designer: Kouji Asuna
Tetris for the 21st century
4. Halo 3 Hands On And Q&A
Phil Spencer asks: Who doesn't want to Master Chief?
5. Dragon Age II’s Product Manager, Randall Bishop
Sex, PC wars and character classes
6. SEGA Driving Studio Director: Guy Wilday
We felt we needed to add something to the series...
7. Sonic Generations
Quick-fire chat with Takashi Iizuka
8. Space Giraffe Creator: Jeff Minter - Part 1
It is sort of the Anti-Tempest
9. Halo 2: Colin Riley Technical Artist
To PC or not to PC...
10. Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition
FROM Software on changes and the series' future.