SPOnG Polls: Results

Question: Will the Xbox One price cut entice you?
Yes - I'm buying one. 15%

Yes - mainly for TitanFall 10%

No. 31%

No. TitanFall doesn't interest me either. 36%

Other - have your say in comments after voting. 8%


simon 27 Feb 2014 11:32
no will not play 360 games
Aidan- fanboy for no one 28 Feb 2014 11:20
it had to happen really, how could they compare with sony's ps4 at the launch price, i think even some die hard fanboys were slightly dissapointed when you see the two compared, however i would purchase an xbox one as it is still a fantastic console with many great things to offer, titanfall does not interest me, its supposed to be there saviour and they running it maximum 900p, it looks fun but its not got that special 'charm' as some of playstations exclusives, hopefully the console will have sorted its issues and developers will learn to use its full potential, as it stands compared to the ps4 the xbox is quite an insult to they're fans who fight there corner all the time, the facts are out there now and the fanboys dont have a leg to stand on really, and i think they deserve one, to be dedicated to microsoft and still purchase away knowing full well its the lacking console in the race, xbox owes its fan a great deal more than there price drop, id still get one tho as im sure (like the ps3 did) its just having a slow start and eventually microsoft will buck up there ideas and get the native 60fps 1080p on the go for halo 5 as that will be there saviour
PreciousRoi 17 Mar 2014 13:43
no option for "I've already got mine, thanks."?

Picked mine up used on Craigslist for $450US with Day One Forza 5 and COD:Ghosts (which I'm trying to sell as I've never cared for COD multi) so I got my discount already.

As far as the price difference between the two, I guess the Xbox One is a victim of the Kinect's success. I don't see how anyone could be confused as to where the extra money goes to as the Kinect unit is stuffed with interesting capabilities...although they might prefer to have the option to purchase the console sans Kinect at a discount, as I currently see the Kinect as slightly better than a gimmick. Sony partisans might be fortunate that the Move was so forgettable.

The performance and hardware differences are of greater concern to me...for the first time in the three generations they've competed MS' console appears to be clearly inferior in basic hardware capabilities. I don't believe that it is as great a difference as there was between the original Xbox and the PS2, however. I'm not as well informed as I might be on the subject, but I also understand that there has been another interesting reversal of circumstances...the way I heard it, as opposed to the last generation, this time its MS' console which might take longer for developers to properly harness. I''ll be interested to compare the second generation of software, or the third, once devs have hit their stride and have uncovered each consoles' peculiarities and optimization tricks. Truthfully, the snarky question on my mind is: Which of the features of the PS4 will be deleted in the inevitable second "Slim"(med) iteration of Sony's console. I'd probably have gone for the original Xbox anyway, but had Sony not failed to support System Link in the second generation of original PS games and included an Ethernet port in the first iteration of the PS2, I'd be much less bitter and suspicious when it comes to Sony's consoles...as it is, I feel the original SCPH-1001 is far and away the best console Sony has ever produced. (Nintendo was the SNES) I guess I'd have to admit that the original Xbox as MS' best as well. I *AM* very impressed with the level of commitment Xbox has made to some of the features on the One. I am served by a **VERY SMALL** telephone company for IPTV, and not only was my service listed, but upon discovering a few discrepancies in the Xbox OneGuide listings, I was able to get them resolved in a few phone calls.

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