Indie Hero, a northern British studio made up of (among others) former Wip3out devs, has launched a PC-based mash-up of boxercise and rhythm gaming. We've got the launch trailer to give you a better idea of how that works.Titled
BeatBoxer+, the game uses webcam-based motion tracking to monitor how well (or terribly) you're matching the prompts on-screen. Think
Dance Central with boxing and you're about there.
The game supports ShadowBoxer resistance kit to help you eke a bit more of a workout from the game and features music from DUB FX. Music from more artists is, apparently, on the way.
For the moment the game is
available for PC, but "mobile and gesture based gaming devices" are mentioned in the announcement, so it would seem there are more platforms to come.
BeatBoxer+: Dub FX Edition Trailer from IndieHero on Vimeo.