Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon Trailer is Absurdly Retro

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Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon Trailer is Absurdly Retro
It's official - Ubisoft's bizarre(ly inventive) Far Cry 3 expansion, Blood Dragon, is hitting PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 on May 1st. And there's a delightfully retro, 1980s-inspired trailer to get you all jazzed up for it.

If you want a better description of what Blood Dragon is all about, here's the opening lines from our preview which went live this morning: "A tongue-in-cheek throwback to cheesy 1980s action and cyberpunk flicks. Cyborg wars, macho dialogue and colossal dinosaurs that shoot laser beams. They all feature here."

It also stars Michael Biehn. How can anyone not want this? Read our preview for more info, and watch the trailer below.



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