Fez Creator: Wii U Port Will Only Happen if Nintendo Pays For It

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Fez Creator: Wii U Port Will Only Happen if Nintendo Pays For It
Don't expect to see Fez appear on a Nintendo platform any time soon. Indie developer Phil Fish has declared that a Wii U port of the game will only happen if the platform holder plumps up the cash to do it.

"The only way a FEZ WII U port could happen is if nintendo paid for and handled the port themselves. which i highly doubt will ever happen," the creative tweeted, before reasoning, "Because I can't do it myself, and I don't have the cashflow to pay for a port."

As you might expect, the comment courted a fair amount of controversy among the Nintendo faithful. Fish later elaborated, "The reason Fez isnt on Nintendo platforms isn't because I don't like Nintendo. It's because of the insulting way they treated indies."

So that's Wii U out for the time being. As for 3DS? He just straight out doesn't like it, according to VG247.


ergo 26 Mar 2013 18:25
Thank God--one less awful game on U.
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