US House Leader: We Should Not Act "Anecdotally" on Violent Video Games

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US House Leader: We Should Not Act "Anecdotally" on Violent Video Games
Nancy Pelosi, Democratic Leader of the U.S. House of Representatives for the 113th Congress, sat down with Fox News to discuss, among other things, gun control laws and the discussion surrounding violent video games. And she doesn't want to rush things.

Pelosi is seen as 'defending' violent video games, but upon watching the interview snippet (below), it mostly seems that she is tackling the issue with a large degree of common sense.

Video game makers have been involved in a discussion with the US Government on ways to curb gun crime - a fact which interviewer Chris Wallace appears to see as confirmation that video games are ultimately responsible for violent behaviour. "You have a lot of friends in Hollywood," he said, "Why don't you go to them and publicly say, I challenge you to stop the video games?"

Pelosi said, "I don't think we should do anything anecdotally," in terms of a knee-jerk reaction. She also brought up the fact that Japan has more violent games and yet one of the lowest death-by-gun rates.

Watch the video below.


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