This is just too cute. A doting father has modified The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker to change all of the gender-specific pronouns in the text to female. Thus making Link a girl, in order to give his daughter a positive family-friendly female role model.Mike Hoye turned to hacking the Nintendo classic after finding it "annoying and awkward" to swap pronouns on the fly when reading dialogue and cutscene text aloud to his daughter, Maya.
"I'm not having my daughter growing up thinking girls don't get to be the hero and rescue their little brothers," Hoye wrote on his
blog. "FemLink or you're doing it wrong."
It's not just Link's gender he changed either - the hero's little sister has also been changed into a little brother. Text such as "my lad" and "master" have been altered to read "milady", and "swordsman" to "swordsmain" - because changes need to be the same byte-for-byte, Hoye had little room to play with words.
You can read his blog here, where he details the process of modding
The Wind Waker via the Dolphin emulator.