Square Enix has put out a video showcasing Hitman Absolution baddie Blake Dexter, "maybe the most vicious adversary Agent 47 has faced yet."
Dexter is voiced by Keith Carradine, who you might have seen in such science-fiction Westerns as Cowboys vs Aliens. If you can name more than one other science fiction Western, please let us know in the comments. If not, please just watch the video below.
'Westworld' obviously. 'Battlestar Galactica' was 'Wagon Train' in space. 'Serenity' was sort of a western in space. 'Wild Arms' was more of a fantasy western I suppose. Any more?
DrkStr10 Sep 2012 08:07
Outland natch. Wild Wild West? Steampunk more than Sci-Fi perhaps. Battle Beyond the Stars. (Magnificent) Seven (Samurai) in Spaaaace!
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