God Save Our Gracious Cash: Kickstarter to Go UK!

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God Save Our Gracious Cash: Kickstarter to Go UK!
You may not have heard of the fine idea that is Kickstarter. Basically, it's the actual Big Society in action. It's a place where citizens of the USA could ask citizens of the world at large to fund project including video games. Not any longer.

Kickstarter tweeted the following and what it means is that UK creatives can now say: "Goodbye unhelpful banks and venture capitalists. Hello real people."

"People in the UK will be able to launch projects on Kickstarter starting this autumn! More info soon! <3 <3 <3" said the tweet.

That's it. Nice and simple. Off you go and get your project ready for funding. We can bring imagination back to UK gaming! (And we can sod the banks off as well). \0/

Kickstarter is here.


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