Crystal Dynamics 'Rape in Videogames' Answer Wins Best Evasion Prize

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Crystal Dynamics 'Rape in Videogames' Answer Wins Best Evasion Prize
Poor old Crystal Dynamics. Look, we're all aware that the company is just trying to make some honest cash out of rebooting Lara Croft. Fine. One thing we'd suggest is for CD to apologise about Ron Rosenberg's "rape... protect" comments and move on: just a big plain, "Sorry, we stuffed up" would be good.

Instead, when confronted by a simple question, "So do you and the team- do you feel like sexual assault and rape is too taboo a subject to cover in a video game?"

CD's "global brand director", Karl Stewart (marketing man), says this:

"That is a hard subject because I believe and the studio believes that it is a subject that we see played out in many ways through movies and TV shows and I think in our medium we are trying to bring an immersive narrative to which- in all the research and all the work that we do in building the story and building this game, we take it to many different places.

And this isn't something that's uncommon in story narrative. And what we're trying to do is in a way, as you know, raise the bar of story-telling— how Lara Croft how that plays out how you interpret it... as you play the game out for yourself, as you review the game and try to answer how you felt from that input, we're trying to raise the bar in immersive storytelling through the video game.

"So I'm being careful in that we're not choosing to say, 'this is a word we want to be associated with that,' that is not the case."

Wow! And because it's so "Wow" we are awarding it the "Best Evasion Prize for July 2012".

Source: Kotaku


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