The Sun Blames 1996 Video Game for Influencing Canadian Murderer

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The Sun Blames 1996 Video Game for Influencing Canadian Murderer
The dear old The Sun has decided that because the Canadian 'Cannibal Killer' changed his name in 2006 he was influenced by a 1996 Take 2 video game starring Christopher Walken.

The killer, was originally called Eric Clinton Kirk Newman before changing his name in 2006 to Luka Rocco Magnotta. You will never guess the reason that Mr Murdoch's The Sun claims, "Cannibal’ Magnotta copied Christopher Walken video game"...

Well, you might. In 1996, Take 2 released a game starring Christopher Walken as... Vince Magnotta... Detective Vince Magnotta. The detective is tracking down, as the game name suggests, a modern day Jack the Ripper.

So there you are. A Canadian murderer from 2012 who changed his name (he wanted to be a porn star) in 2006 was influenced by someone from a videogame in 1996... that's some premeditation right there.

Nice work, Mr Murdoch's The Sun.

Ripper FMV pc game trailer Christopher Walken by fmvgamer


DCBronco 10 Jun 2012 03:16
Any chance he could have been referring to the real Jack the Ripper? Any?
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