Joustin' Beaver iOS Game is Just Asking for a Lawsuit

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Joustin' Beaver iOS Game is Just Asking for a Lawsuit
I smell a lawsuit! Florida-based developer RC3 has released a game on the iOS App Store called Joustin' Beaver. You play as a cartoon beaver (in the style of mega-irritating pop star Justin Bieber) as he shoots down a river collecting "Otter-graph seekers" and jousting "Evil Phot-hogs" into the water. Christ.

According to the press release, "Joustin' Beaver allows Justin Bieber fans to help their favorite pop star poke fun at the overbearing and aggressive paparazzi." The indie app developer teamed up with a radio host (!) who said, "We wanted to create a game that appeals to Justin Bieber's fans. He's a hero and adored by millions. It's important that 'Joustin' Beaver' reflects that. Paparazzi are relentless creatures who are difficult to dodge."

There are no words, really. Read the press release for the links and "user reviews" for the game.


config 8 Feb 2012 13:16
I smell a parody, but that doesn't seem to stop litigious art^Hseholes.

The kid's social network, Moshi Monsters, ran into problems with its "Lady Goo Goo" character (a baby popstar wearing sunglasses) when the company tried to release a song on iTunes. Lady GaGa's sillytossers issues an injunction or some such.

Moshi also features a character called Dustbin Beaver, BTW
Shawn 25 Feb 2012 03:12
The game itself certainly qualifies as parody, but the direct marketing scheme is serious infringements of rights. That press release is going to sink this App.
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