Videogames Popular with Two Year Olds Say Two Year Olds

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Market research can often be as amusing and hair-tearing as 'scientific research' when it comes to video games. Try this recent NPD survey on kids and gaming in the USA in August.

"According to Kids and Gaming 2011, the latest report from leading market research company, The NPD Group, since 2009, the population growth of kids ages 2-17 increased 1.54 percent in the U.S., while the gaming population of that age group has grown 12.68 percent. This growth in kids’ gaming population is far outpacing the growth experienced by the population of 2-17 year olds in the country."

And the ever quotable Anita Frazier of NPD noted that, “Year-to-date through August 2011, kids comprised 44 percent of new physical software dollar sales, representing a vitally important consumer segment for the games industry."

Excellent stuff. More kids are playing games. We've also noted that crime rate in the same age range in the USA doesn't seem to have skyrocketed.

Let's have a look at the methodology:

"Data was collected via an online survey from August 1-15, 2011. (The 2009 wave was conducted from September 10-17, 2009). The survey was completed by 4,136 individuals ages 2 -17. In cases where surrogate reporting was used, mothers were asked to bring the child to the computer to answer survey questions, either with or without assistance. In order to qualify as a gamer, respondents had to report that they currently, personally play video games. Final survey data was weighted to represent the U.S. population of individuals age 2 to 17."

Two year olds? Really?


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