Ed "Video Game" Vaizey Avoids the Issue - Again

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Not Ed Vaizey
Not Ed Vaizey
Right, so the Minister in the ConDem coalition government responsible for the games industry is Edward Vaizey (Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Culture, Communications and Creative Industries), Business, Innovation and Skills; Wantage, Conservative). And this is how he does his job.

Speaking in Parliament earlier this month he was faced with questions from Jim McGovern (Dundee West, Labour):

"What discussions he has had with the Chancellor of the Exchequer on future Government support for the UK computer games industry", asked Mr McGovern.

"I discussed future Government support for the creative industries—including the video games sector—with the Chancellor of the Exchequer in the development of the plan for growth which was published alongside Budget 2011. The plan for growth sets out the specific actions that we are taking to tackle major barriers to growth in the creative industries and to create the right conditions for creative businesses to flourish," responded Mr Video Game Vaizey.

Mr McGovern was not impressed, "I do not know about high-speed broadband, but that was a high-speed answer—and I am sure that the Minister will appreciate that it is not the one I was looking for.

"He will be aware that games companies in the UK are closing and that many of their staff are going to Canada. Ireland is now looking to introduce tax breaks, but for some reason this Government persist in doing nothing. Will the Minister reassure me, the House and my constituents that the assessment of tax breaks for the industry, as recommended by the Scottish Affairs Committee, will be carried out as a matter of priority before more harm is done to this very important industry?"

Of course Mr Video-Games rose to the challenge, "I am mindful of your desire, Mr Speaker, to crack through the Order Paper, which is why I tend to answer questions in a rapid manner. Let me first congratulate the hon. Gentleman on his championship of the video games industry.

"I know that 150 jobs have been created in the industry in his own Dundee constituency. Measures in the Budget, such as the changes to the research and development tax credit and the enterprise investment scheme, will help the video games industry. I will continue with my vocal and, I hope, practical support for that important industry."

Anybody see any information in there?

Source: Hansard.


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