Video - Asus Shows Off Its Kinect Beater

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Video - Asus Shows Off Its Kinect Beater
ASUS has shown off its WAVI Xtion at Computex 2011 in Taipei, Taiwan. It's Kinect in all but name.

As Zdnet points out, "While the Kinect only works with a TV hooked up to a 360, the WAVI Xtion connects HD digital content from computer to television, via wireless HDMI (WHDI technology) with a range of up to 25 meters. One receiver/transmitter must be placed by the computer, while the other is next to the TV, and a motion sensor on top of the television for the system to work."

The unpriced - and there's the rub - unit comes with three games: MayaFit, Beat Booster and DanceWall.


Kinecticut 16 Jun 2011 00:12
Can you say "reverse engineer"?
Primsensibles 16 Jun 2011 08:14
Can you say "freely license independent technology" - it's developed by Israel’s Primesense company. As if Microsoft would actually develop anything innovative on its own. LULZ!
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