Duke Nukem Website is Titteringly Naughty

Posted by Staff
Duke Nukem Website is Titteringly Naughty
"Cocked and Loaded! The Official Duke Nukem Forever Website Explodes All Over the Internet" - yup, that's how 2K and Gearbox has announced the new site that contains 'Woman Watching' and 'Alien Watching'.

"Relish the viewing delights of Duke’s Boobtube channel; enjoy images of Duke’s scantily clad ladies found exclusively in The Duke Cave; download amazing gameplay images; receive the latest news and updates; delight in Duke’s Hall of Humility; and experience a hell-of-a-lot more! The Duke Nukem Forever website provides the ability to pre-order the game, as well as the Balls of Steel edition while supplies last. And, if you’ve ever utter to yourself “I’d still hit it”, then join in the discussion found within the Duke Community pages because you aren’t alone."

Now, anybody up for a "Videogames are Art!" debate? Titter ye not!


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