Channel 4 Cans £20M Digital Innovation Fund

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 Channel 4 Cans £20M Digital Innovation Fund
Channel 4 is due to cancel its £20m digital innovation fund, referred to as 4iP, in a restructure that will incorporate all of its online teams into one department.

The Channel 4 director of creative diversity, Stuart Cosgrove, explained that the restructure would mean that the 4iP brand will essentially "disappear" with the remaining funding for that project being invested in alternative technology projects instead.

4iP funded around sixty projects over the two years the initiative ran including Audioboo, an app. for the iPhone and Chromaroma which enabled Oyster card users to use the check-ins of their cards as a health game.

Audioboo founder Mark Rock commented on the closure of 4iP, saying that "It's a great disappointment that this hugely ambitious project is closing."

"It looks like yet another example of TV executives not getting it, which is partly why TV is in such a moribund state."

Source: The Guardian Online


Anna Brackenbury 8 Oct 2010 15:35
I didn't think it had been canned, I thought the money was still there but the brand had been absorbed by the rest of C4 online's team. So not canned.
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