Alien Breed Impact Sliced in Price on Steam

Posted by Staff
Alien Breed Impact Sliced in Price on Steam
Simple pieces of news are often the best. Here's one: Alien Breed: Impact, is being cut in price by 50% in Steam’s Midweek Madness sale.

The Midweek Madness promotion runs from August 3rd to 5th; Alien Breed: Impact can be located at Steam.

That's it. Go get it.


config 5 Aug 2010 08:07
Great, but when does the PS3 version drop? The game page says, <ahem>, July 2010
Spinface 5 Aug 2010 09:12
I am investimagating now...
Spinface 5 Aug 2010 10:35
Should be the last week of August, although that's not definite yet.
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