Viacom Loses Copyright Case to Google in Win for Internet

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Viacom Loses Copyright Case to Google in Win for Internet
For the last three years, Viacom has been locked in a legal battle with Google Inc's Youtube over claims of copyright infringement. Yesterday, federal judge Louis Stanton rejected Viacom's attempt to collect more than $1 billion USD in damages.

Why is this good news? Because Stanton came to his conclusion after considering Google's interpretation of a 12-year-old internet law, that states that copyrighted material can be posted on a public service as long as due diligence is taken to remove such content when there is a report of a violation.

As you would expect, Google and internet freedom advocates cheer the news. Viacom is up in arms, saying that "copyright protection is essential to the survival of creative industries." Which would you root for?

Read the rest of the drama right here.


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