Fake Shinji Mikami Game An April Fool's Joke - In March

Posted by Staff
Gamers got all in a tizzy last night over an apparent "early reveal" of a new Shinji Mikami project. The Resident Evil creator is knee-deep in Vanquish right now, but let's not spoil the fun.

No, on top of his Platinum Games and new studio duties, he's apparently been working on Krieg, a 'post-apocalyptic Fallout-esque game' for the PlayStation 3. Cue heated debates as to whether the information was accurate or fake.

Turns out it was an April Fools joke. An anonymous poster fabricated the game and used Italian gaming site spaziogames as a base to launch its profile in the media. The image revealing the "April Fool" message mentions the "faulty system that is the gaming news reports."

Correct us if we're wrong, but don't April Fool jokes have to take place on... you know, April 1st?


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