We'd like to think that there is a debate raging about hardcore games on the Wii. But we'd also like to think that there's a debate going on about making milkshakes with a George Foreman grill. We're like that.The fact is that the Wii loves casual gaming. High Voltage, however, remains proud of the 350k sales of
The Conduit on that platform. In a recent interview in which less than earth-moving sales were mentioned, HVG's CEO Kerry Ganofsky and chief creative officer Eric Nofsinger returned fire before admitting that sales were 'impacted'.
Nofsinger pointed out that "Sadly, sales of nearly all games were down."
While Ganofsky went defensive-aggressive with, "We are extremely proud of the sales for
The Conduit, with over 350,000 copies sold, numerous 'best-of 2009' nods, and over a million hours played according to the Nintendo Channel, we are the go-to FPS on the Wii. If you look at the sales for the games that are lumped in as 'hardcore' titles for the Wii (
Silent Hill,
Dead Space, et al), you'll notice that sales for those types of games are low across the board."
But when it came down to it, the CEO admitted that, "There were a variety of issues that impacted
The Conduit. We are focusing on fixing those issues that we have control over in our future games. For those issues that we cannot control, we are working hard with our partners to ensure the best possible experience for gamers."
So, a hardcore debate on hardcore Wii games? Is there one? Tell us on the Forum.