SPOnG has a handful of Mabinogi closed beta keys for your gaming pleasure.
The game is an MMO coming next year. The beta is described by its publisher, Nexon, just like this: "The arrival of the closed beta test reveals the first chapter of an ultimate fantasy story in the form of the First Generation. Opening with the storyline 'The Advent of Morrighan', players are invited to take part in the first story of the mainstream by responding to a message from the endangered goddess, Morrighan. By reacting to this call you can begin your adventure of discovery in your Mabinogi world." More info on the official site.
As well as the keys, we've got coupons for in-game goodies to get you started. Just email feedback@spong.com with the subject header 'Ho! SPOnG! What did you do with my Mabinogi beta key?'
There's some exclusive art and some screens in the gallery and a trailer below...