Government Spooks Go Xbox 360 Again

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Government Spooks Go Xbox 360 Again
The home of British spywork - GCHQ - is searching for likely employees via Xbox Live once again. The Spookhouse did the same thing two years ago.

GCHQ says of itself, "GCHQ is one of the three UK Intelligence Agencies and a part of the UK's National Intelligence Machinery. GCHQ works in partnership with the Security Service (also known as MI5) and the Secret Intelligence Service (also known as MI6) to protect the UK's national security interests."

As for the new campaign, The Guardian reports, "The campaign will include ads on the Xbox Live "dashboard" and within games through streamed video banners.

"As well as tackling 'traditional threats' GCHQ's work is also about helping government departments, such as the Ministry of Defence, to protect their information and communication systems," said a GCHQ spokeswoman.

"This means we can offer excellent training and careers for people with specialist technical skills. However, the fact remains that many potential candidates remain unaware of GCHQ and what we do. Using video on Xbox LIVE helps carry our message to the right people in a creative and innovative manner," she added."

Get a look at the quality of GCHQ's recruitment media in the video below:


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