Judge Pulls Sicky over Modern Warfare 2

Posted by Staff
"Totally pwnd that barrister last night", "Yeah, barristers are such lamer n00bs LOL!"
"Totally pwnd that barrister last night", "Yeah, barristers are such lamer n00bs LOL!"
The Times has a story about a gamer called 'Will' who, the day after purchasing MW2,"tired but happy, he feigned sickness to get out of his commitments despite the chaos that would inevitably follow."

What chaos? Says The Times, "Will (not his real name, for obvious reasons) is 48 years old and a district judge at a county court in England. He worked as a barrister for almost 15 years before he was appointed, has a wife and two kids and a hefty mortgage."

Looks like he has no 'Will Power' eh, readers? At least he didn't have a hugely tragic night trying to get the game, unlike this guy's tragic, catastrophic, nightmare of an evening (irony alert).


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