Venezuelan Violence Observatory Argues Against Video Game Ban

Posted by Staff
Hugo: I pwn you n00bs at Mercenaries 2!
Hugo: I pwn you n00bs at Mercenaries 2!
Hugo Chavez, he likes to get up the noses of the those countries around the world which feel deeply that no upstart peon of a president of a south American nation should control much oil at all actually. He likes to make long speeches and generally be left of centre. Now, apparently, he wants to ban violent toys and video games.

Maybe this has something to do with Mercenaries 2? Maybe not.

Either way, the AP reports that the Bill going through due process "would mandate crime prevention classes in public schools and force the media to 'implement permanent campaigns' to warn against the dangers of violent games. Another provision requires the government "to promote the production, distribution, sales and use" of games that teach kids 'respect for an adversary'."

We are waiting for the noise of members of the US "Ban Video Games" conservative lobby breaking their necks after nodding in agreement... only to discover who they are agreeing with.

The basic problem with the Venezuelan bill? It's not going to actually reduce crime in that country.

Roberto Briceno, a criminologist at the superbly named, Venezuelan Violence Observatory, tends to agree, saying "Some believe they (video games) actually can serve as a substitute, kids get rid of their rage through the game instead of acting out."


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