Metallic Blue, Light Blue and Red... that's the new colour range for the DSi coming on 23rd October 2009.
Really, that should be it... it's not. There are also Flipnote Studio and Facebook feature pre-installed. Says Ninty, "The Facebook feature allows users to post their photographic creations straight to their Facebook profile to get the most out of the fun image manipulation tools in the Nintendo DSi Camera. Flipnote Studio enables users to conveniently make notes on their Nintendo DSi or get creative and animate their own mini-movies! Upload and share your creations online via a special service accessible with the Nintendo DSi: Flipnote Hatena and join the growing community of animators!
Also those that use their Nintendo DSi to access the Nintendo DSi Shop through Nintendo Wi-Fi connection before March 31st, 2010 will receive 1,000 Nintendo DSi Points for free!"
There you go.