Hey Hey It's the Beatles! New Rock Band Vid

Posted by Staff
Remember this old classic? No? Phew.
Remember this old classic? No? Phew.
The Beatles: Rock Band, it's coming! It's exciting. Sure, it's not The Sonics or The Wailers, but for many billions of folk on this, and most probably other, planets who love the fab moptops it's the Beatles' Knees. Well, below there's even more video of the game in action. Some of their great hits are all ready for you to learn to tap out. That said, one song wasn't even written by the moppy fab-tops... and on another they let Ringo sing!

Paperback Writer
(Money) Can’t Buy Me Love
Eight Days a Week
Yellow Submarine
Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band
Within You Without You

Sure, we sound a bit like Stones' fans on this one... but some come on, the bundle is being sold with that hideous violin bass but you've got to buy the Rickenbacker 325, what's with that?


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