Mainstream Media Video Game Cock-Up Fun!

Posted by Staff
Mainstream Media Video Game Cock-Up Fun!
Headlines such as 'My man's a PlayStation addict -- but he still presses all the right buttons' would appear to have it all... addiction, allusions to sexual button pressing, bonding... (that was 'bonding'). That headline comes from the Irish Independent and concerns a feature that includes such gems as: "I genuinely try to feign interest but after a few minutes of him explaining the wonder of PlayStation 3 with its amazing online tournaments, my eyes glaze over and I stop listening. I try to be interested; it's just that ... it's all a bit silly, isn't it?"

And... "My husband learned about the new grandchild while he and his ally (the grandad) were teaming up to kill baddies in Warhawk. Just moments after discussing the wonder of this new little life coming into the world, they started a game to seek and destroy."

Apparently, the author, Siobhan O'Neill-White, is assiduous to know that Warhawk is an online multi-player. It's a shame that her sub-editor (or work experience caption writer) wasn't as on the mark. Check out the screenshot in this story. Compare the pic to the caption, "Thumbs at the ready: Video gamer David White settles in for an online Playstation session. Photo: Ronan Lang."

Don't get it? On-screen is inFamous, which notoriously doesn't have online multi-player.


Smily Man 18 Jun 2009 11:57
Are you serious, it was only a bit of fun.
The photo used was inFamous, damn I should have stuck on a multi-player game just to make sure nobody got upset.
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