Quotes: Falling Out of a Tree and Gaming

Posted by Staff
Quotes: Falling Out of a Tree and Gaming
When both The Daily Mail and The Daily Telegraph quote an eminent scientist such as Baroness Susan Greenfield on the FACT that computers and video gaming are responsible for obesity, autism, and 'infantilising' the brain, well we've got to listen.

Here's one of the clinching pieces of proof that we're all being turned into fat infants with ADHD, autism and probably Asperger's:

"While a child who falls out of a tree will quickly learn not to repeat the mistake, someone who goes wrong on a computer game will just keep playing", both papers quote the good scientist as saying.

We're obviously noobz and lamerz because we thought that when you do something wrong in a video game, you HAVE to learn from it otherwise you don't proceed. Learning from falling out of a tree is surely dependent on how high up the tree you are... and how the tall the tree is.


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