Darkfall vs Eurogamer: Noob Lamer Bitchslapping!

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Darkfall vs Eurogamer: Noob Lamer Bitchslapping!
Quick rundown on the spectacular video at the bottom of this tale. Eurogamer reviewed Darkfall MMO, gave it 2/10. Aventurine, the Darkfall people, object and claim that Ed Zitron, the reviewer only dabbled with the game for a few hours. Eurogamer says it was nine hours. Darkfall devs have server logs that say very different.

It's a darkly dirty tiff for sure. EG standing by its man. Aventurine is standing by its server logs. Big questions do indeed lie at the heart of this to'n'fro: "how long to play an MMO for before reviewing?", "is someone fibbing?" and so on.

But today all of this was cranked up a level by an astonishing Youtube post: 'Darkfall Community vs Eurogamer.net with commentary by Celiah Ailey'.

Watch this... seriously, sit through it. The video below contains just about everything any anti-games campaigner could possibly need to bring a halt to games. Frankly, it contains everything they could need to want to bang up video gamers inside small, padded boxes.

It's a genius display of angry, self-righteous hatred! It contains ever cliché in the book... try to tick them off: 'noob', 'lamer', 'pwned', 'roolz', 'hardcore gamer', declarations of war, personal abuse... the list goes on and on.

It's must-watch gaming eye and ear-food.


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