Core Edge Online Team Quits

Posted by Staff
Core Edge Online Team Quits
"a gumbo of old media thinking, rampant cost-cutting and ego-driven control mechanisms"... a Future Publishing 'middle manager' apparently gave these reasons to now ex-Edge Online journalist, Colin Campell as the reason that the site would be moving to England from California.

This, according to Campbell, is one of the reason he resigned. He is joined by Kris Graft and Rob Crossley who "write the vast majority of Edge-Online".

Edge-Online is now in the hands of Future's print magazine team.

Crossley and Campbell have joined with MCV publisher, Intent Media, says MCV, "the former as head of US operations and the latter as online editor for Develop."

They will also be writing for Intent's US-targeted GameBizBlog.

Future Publishing is currently attempting to reconnect chicken torsos to relevant bonces.


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