Quotes: Video Game PR - Not Controlling

Posted by Staff
Good parenting, eh kids.
Good parenting, eh kids.
The video games marketing conference - MI6 - happened this month. During it a panel convened to discuss how best marketeers could manage the shift from print to online media.

Included on the panel was Kym Nelson, Game Sales VP of Fox-owned IGN Entertainment. Kym had some words that should be of interest to all readers of all and any online games media.

"Rather than look as it as a way to control the users, its our responsibility as experts to parent the community, and give them the tools to proliferate their messages, and be a guiding force... That idea of parenting rather than controlling...just shifts what our role is."

Not controlling but parenting and guiding.

In fact, according to Gamasutra, at IGN Kym recruits "specific individuals, calls them community managers, and they take the role of doing that parenting around IGN's own gamer communities around specific games."

It's good to know that you're being parented into a message about a game by experts of PR.


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