Vista, Second Life: Top Fiascos

Posted by Staff
Vista, Second Life: Top Fiascos
The first Fiasco award results are in. "Fiasco Awards"? Yes, a set of awards set up in Spain in order to, "promote a critical spirit, a positive attitude towards the obstacles in the road to success and... to have fun."

So, of the 6,403 people who voted for the awards this year, 5,222 decided that Microsoft's Vista was the king of fiascos. Also featured in the list, we're pleased to see, is Second Life.

Find out more here.


Fee Asco 27 Feb 2009 11:57
Isn't fiasco the Espagnolish word for an afternoon nap?
PreciousRoi 27 Feb 2009 12:17
missing a hotlink in "here"?
more comments below our sponsor's message
OptimusP 27 Feb 2009 13:48
Fee Asco wrote:
Isn't fiasco the Espagnolish word for an afternoon nap?

That's siësta, fiasco is probably an spanish word in origin anyway meaning the same thing in spanish as in english.
TimSpong 27 Feb 2009 15:38
PreciousRoi wrote:
missing a hotlink in "here"?

It's back in now.

When I say, "back in" I mean "in".


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