Guinness: Top 10 Games of All Time EVER!

Posted by Staff
Guinness: Top 10 Games of All Time EVER!
The Guinness World Records people have sent over their "all-time top 50 console games". We've got the Top 10. Games were rated on "their initial impact and lasting legacy" - so, not game-play then?

1 - Super Mario Kart
2 - Tetris
3 - Grand Theft Auto
4 - Super Mario World
5 - Zelda Ocarina of Time
6 - Halo
7 - Resident Evil IV
8 - Final Fantasy XII
9 - Street Fighter II
10 - GoldenEye

Opinions? To the Forum!


Daz 26 Feb 2009 15:06
Halo is a bit high for my liking and Resident Evil 4 should be Resident Evil 2
OptimusP 26 Feb 2009 17:55
Well, according to the reasoning of the list, Halo should have been replaced with The Sims and FF12 with FF7 and probably Resi 4 with Resi 2.

Reasoning is that both the The Sims and FF7 had a larger mainstream impact and legacy and sold around 10 million copies, FF12 and Halo didn't.
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PreciousRoi 28 Feb 2009 01:35
Yeh, I'm with you on replacing FF 12 with 7...leaving it as it is is just daft.
The Resi bit, I'd just as soon give it to the original Resi as the second one.
Zelda...I'd be inclined toward either the first incarnation or the second (link to the past?)
GTA, I'd toss for Vice City, which I think had the broadest impact and influence.

But Halo...c'mon...Halo belongs on're just a hater (@ OptimusP) full stop.

The Sims is a PC game primarily and doesn't belong, similarly I'd toss Street Fighter, which made its bones and spread its influence as an arcade piece...this also DQs Mortal Kombat, and I dun think Tekken is worthy, so give its spot to Gran Turismo, as progenitor of the realisticish branch of the console racer family tree.
PreciousRoi 3 Mar 2009 02:04
As a matter of fact, Halo is probably too low on the list...

561,987,039* man-hours spent in online matchmaking mode alone playing a billion games (does not include custom or offline matches)

*my math, converted from Bungie's figure of 2,023,153,340,764 (man-)seconds or 64,109 (man-)years
PreciousRoi 3 Mar 2009 05:01
ack, those are actually numbers from Halo 3, Halo 2 would add another 700-some million games played in online matchmaking.
OptimusP 3 Mar 2009 12:27
PreciousRoi wrote:
As a matter of fact, Halo is probably too low on the list...

561,987,039* man-hours spent in online matchmaking mode alone playing a billion games (does not include custom or offline matches)

*my math, converted from Bungie's figure of 2,023,153,340,764 (man-)seconds or 64,109 (man-)years

Well this is the by far the most useless statistical drivel ever... owh look a fraction of a fraction of a fraction spend so many hours on something!!! it must be impactfull...yeah...right.

The list is about actual impact in a broad social-cultural gaming-sense. Halo is part of the consoles incremental innovation path to disrupt PC-gaming and so is the epitome of consoles moving into the highest tiered markets, which actually means that it's leaving behind the bigger lower and medium tiers. That's why the Wii was such a instant succes as an disruptive product (disruptive products normally take quite a while to get under steam). It was able to get those lower and medium tiers incredibly fast because everyone else literally abandonded them.

So in all fairness...Nintendogs should be number one on that list, that or pokemon, how sad it may sound. Too bad Guinness seems to define handhelds not as portable consoles.
Thompson 12 Mar 2009 17:18
Where is Sonic? and why is resident evil 4 there? it shouldn't be 4 or 3 it should be 3. Zelda should be higher up but over all they are the best games ever made and still beat all the new games out now
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