PlayStation 2 New Route to Success

Posted by Staff
PlayStation 2 New Route to Success
Looks as if the PS2 is still going strong in some regions, even if it is taking interesting routes... the Arabic daily, asharq alawsat, "Across Cairo, small storefronts and apartments are converted into video game salons, where an hour in front of an LCD TV hooked to a Playstation 2 console costs $1 to $5 an hour, doing brisk business day and night."

The same article points out that, apparently, "From video games like Bab el-Hara to a Kuwaiti entrepreneur's comic book empire featuring Muslim superheroes, the Arab world's private sector is leading a push to provide Muslim and Arab youth with homegrown heroes, something sorely needed as a bulwark against the trend toward radical Islam throughout the Middle East."

Bab el-Hara is "about part of (Arab) history — the resistance to the French occupation."


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