Circuit Breakers - PC

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Circuit Breakers (PC)
Requires: Microphone, Keyboard
Also for: PS4
Viewed: 2D Top-down, Multi-way scrolling Genre:
Shoot 'Em Up
Media: DVD Arcade origin:No
Developer: Triverske Soft. Co.: Triverske
Publishers: Excalibur (GB)
Released: 3 Jun 2016 (GB)
Ratings: PEGI 3+
Connectivity: Internet Connection
Accessories: Control Pad


Enjoy some 1990’s retro action with this top down shooter!

A massive array of interesting weapons and a horde of killer robots awaits you in Circuit Breakers as you battle for control of a manufacturing plant while racking up combos and upgrades.

Talented and ferocious weapon experts needed to eliminate a dangerous mechanical menace that threatens the existence of humanity. Up to four positions available. Benefits include traveling the world to eliminate robots, using advanced upgradeable weapons to eradicate robots, and teaming up with three other like-minded and (possibly) friendly individuals to wipe out robots.

Inspired by 90’s style top down action games, four players can join either via local or online multiplayer to eliminate millions of robots together.

Aldo, Shelby, Samson and Tay are the Circuit Breakers. An elite team of mercenaries hired by the Galactic Government of Affairs to destroy dangerous sentient AI robots. Each character specialises in a particular weapon and these weapons can be upgraded via the collection of crystal shards dropped from destroyed robots.