Based on the Turbo Duels in the Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds animated series, Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds Wheelie Breakers introduces players to a fast-paced twist on the racing genre. Yusei and Jack duel in a new motorsport called Wheelie Breakers that combines card dueling with duel wheel racing. As they race around the track in their Duel Runner motorcycles, players call upon monsters from their decks to battle their opponents and prevent them from finishing the race. These cards can then be rearranged between races as strategies to unseat the rival players are developed. Using achievement points which players receive based on their race results, they can purchase new cards and add them to their decks providing upgrades.
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds Wheelie Breakers takes full advantage of the Wiis control system as players use the Wii Remote for both competitive card dueling and Duel Runner racing. Users can also use the Nunchuk during races, allowing for split-second manoeuvers including, acceleration, steering and recovery. A wide selection of gameplay modes are also offered including Story Mode, Grand Prix Mode, and Competition Multiplayer Mode with up to four players competing via a split screen system.
As has become traditional with Konamis Yu-Gi-Oh! titles, Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds Wheelie Breakers will be released with three official Trading Cards inside the box.