Stratego: Next Edition - DS/DSi

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Stratego: Next Edition (DS/DSi)
Viewed: 2D Static screen Genre:
Media: Cartridge Arcade origin:No
Developer: Ubisoft Soft. Co.: Ubisoft
Publishers: Ubisoft (GB)
Released: 6 Jun 2008 (GB)
Ratings: PEGI 3+
Accessories: Wireless DS multi-card play
Features: Wireless DS single card download play


Stratego: Next Edition from Ubisoft is a take on the strategy game with a 10X10 board and a couple of players each with 40 tiles of varying ranks - General, Major, Captain, Scout etc. Tiles are red and blue-coloured on both sides, but the ranks are printed on one side only, and placed such that players are unable to identify opponent's specific pieces. Gamers are encouraged to arrange their tiles in any configuration on a designated section of the board. This kind of preparation is where the game gets its name from - your strategy is outlined even before the start of the game, and can have a bearing on the result.

Each player can move one tile at a time. If a tile is moved onto a square occupied by an opposing tile, their ranks are made known, and the inferior rank is removed from the board. If the tiles are the same, then both are removed from play. There are two immovable tiles - the Bomb and the Flag. If you land on it, the former will take out your tile, whatever its rank. Get to the Flag, and you have won the game. Alternatively, you can win the game by capturing so many of your opponent's tiles that they cannot move.