Deep Sea Tycoon 2 - PC

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Deep Sea Tycoon 2 (PC)
Viewed: 2D Isometric, Scrolling Genre:
Strategy: Management
Media: CD Arcade origin:No
Developer: Pixel After Pixel Soft. Co.: Pixel After Pixel
Publishers: GMX (GB)
Released: 15 Jul 2005 (GB)
Ratings: PEGI 3+
No Accessories: No Accessories


You could be forgiven for thinking that many games with the word ‘Tycoon’ in the title take themselves a little too seriously. Not so with Anarchy Entertainment’s lighthearted 2003 release, Deep Sea Tycoon. A liberal dose of future fantasy transformed sea beds into mini Atlantises, and you could build tourist attractions, military bases and drilling plants, as well as dig for buried treasure and encourage the proliferation on the local sea life. As you might imagine, the undersea environment lent the world a pleasingly tranquil feel, and you could idle the hours away watching the dolphins, whales, sharks and turtles as they glided about your submarine world.

Such a good humoured building sim deserves an update, and we’re lucky enough to be getting one. Once again, the game features a rich underwater environment populated by dolphins, whales, manatees and stingrays, and more besides. Play through 30 missions that will take you around the world, from warm, clear Caribbean waters, to deep Pacific paradises. As before, there are a number of different game modes, including the Sandbox mode, where you can forget about objectives and concentrate on building the spectacular marine environment of your dreams. You can then grit your teeth and put it all at risk by unleashing a disaster and seeing how you cope – perhaps an oil spill, or a ship, sinking and heading straight for your underwater city! So pull on some scuba gear over that pinstripe suit and become a Deep Sea Tycoon! Again!

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