Twinklestar Sprites - Neo Geo

Also known as: Twinkle Star Sprites

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Also for: Dreamcast
Viewed: 2D Top-down, Vertical scrolling Genre:
Shoot 'Em Up
Media: Cartridge Arcade origin:Yes
Developer: ADK Soft. Co.: SNK
Released: Unknown (GB)
Ratings: No rating


Twinklestar Sprites is somewhat of a genre-bending game and is the fruits of ADK’s attempt to breed puzzle gaming into shoot-‘em-ups.

Best described as a split-screen vertical-scrolling head to head competitive shooter, Twinklestar Sprites is one of the rarer and most interesting games released for Neo Geo MVS and AES systems. The basic premise is simple: shoot more bad guys than your opponent and win.

This is achieved by learning and then mastering the Twinklestar Sprites’ chain and combo system. When enemies enter your screen they appear in various colours of the spectrum between red and blue. The closer to red they are, the less they need shooting to kill. If one enemy is close to or linked to another, it will destroy that one too, meaning that all you have to do, is aim for the weakest enemy that is surrounded by as many others as possible.

When you kill a chain of opposing sprites, a bomb is fired at some speed up or down you oponent’s half. This will either damage him or he can shoot it to bounce it back to your screen, and so on. Strange but enjoyable.

The presentation of Twinklestar will greatly please some gamers and make others sick. It’s possibly the most Japanese-looking game of all time, and the anime-big-eyed cuteness of every character and sprite is fully exaggerated at every possible opportunity. It’s like a cartoon world made of candy and fun yet ironically, all you have to do is massacre enemy sprites faster than your opponent can, in order to remove him from the game.

Twinklestar Sprites is one of the more innovate of the arcade shooters of the nineties and well worth a coin or two if you see it in an arcade.