Inspired by the US cartoon series Rocket Power, THQ has released Team Rocket Rescue for PlayStation. The usual quartet of hip kids Otto, Reggie, Twister and Sam is present as you join them on a brand new adventure.
The evil Sno-mart has moved into town again and is threatening to steal the Rocket Boards market away from its owner, Ray Rocket. You must help him! But how?
Your task within Team Rocket Rescue will be to enter a series of competitions and represent the Rocket Boards shop to gain publicity. Team Rocket Rescue features rollerblading, snowboarding, skateboarding and BMX. There are twelve stages in all, in which you will be required to race along a series of hazardous circuits. You must perform stunts to impress the judges by successfully executing a series of well-known and seemingly impossible manoeuvres. As you progress through the game, good performances are rewarded with special tricks and hidden playable characters, increasing the longevity and replay value of Team Rocket Rescue.
Team Rocket Rescue is another great cartoon-turned-video game that offers lots of superb gameplay. Top stuff.